Boulder Dash - 1984


Spacebar: Pause during the game, also used to open main menu on title screen.
Enter/Return: Select number of players and controls.
Shift: Starts the game with current configuration.
Arrow keys: UDLR, straightforward.
Esc: kills current player life, restarts level(or hands over to next player).
Use it when trapped, to avoid wasting time waiting for the timer to run out.

Game History - Boulder Dash - 1984

Boulder Dash - 1984

You are Rockford, and you have to dig through monster infested caves in search of diamonds. In each level you must collect a certain number of these diamonds, in order to open a portal to the next stage. Enemies can be squashed by falling boulders, which are released when the ground below them is removed or they are pushed onto empty ground, but be careful because these can also squash you. In later levels, difficulty is increased by many puzzle elements and shorter time limits.

There are 16 levels to be completed and five different skill levels available, which affect the number of jewels which must be collected and the time limit.

Game history from Moby Games
Game created by First Star Software, Inc. in 1984
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Game Screenshots - Boulder Dash - 1984

Boulder Dash - 1984 screenshot 1 Boulder Dash - 1984 screenshot 2 Boulder Dash - 1984 screenshot 3