Color Buster - 1992


Arrow keys to move
Space Bar to start
Esc to restart

Game History - Color-Buster-1992


Color Buster is a puzzle game, that, like all classic puzzle games is easy to get into but hard to master. On each level, you have a goal: Push color boxes of same color together to unite them, then push the resulting box into the exit tile. Each level is time limited.

Game history from Moby Games
Game created by Pyramid Software Studio in 1992
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Game Screenshots - Color Buster - 1992

Color Buster - 1992 screenshot 1 Color Buster - 1992 screenshot 2 Color Buster - 1992 screenshot 3 Color Buster - 1992 screenshot 4 Color Buster - 1992 screenshot 5 Color Buster - 1992 screenshot 6