Sopwith - 1984


Z = slow down (not too slow or you will stall!)
X = speed up
space = fire machine gun
B = drop bomb
, = pull up
. = flip
/ = pull down
H = home
S = sound

if missiles are enabled:
Z = flare
X = launch missile

Game History - Sopwith - 1984

Sopwith - 1984

Sopwith is a game where the player flies a Sopwith biplane, trying to shoot down enemy planes and destroy all enemy buildings. It can be played in single player or in skirmishes against the AI.

Game history from Moby Games
Game created by BMB Compuscience in 1984
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Game Screenshots - Sopwith

Sopwith screenshot 1 Sopwith screenshot 2 Sopwith screenshot 3