Game History - Spacewar
Destroy the other ship before it destroys you. Use your PHOTON TORPEDOS or PHASERS to
reduce its SHIELD energy. A hit with no shields will destroy the ship.
PHOTON TORPEDOS - The best offsensive weapon. The torpedo takes one unit of energy to
fire and does four units of damage to your opponent's shields.
PHASERS - A good defensive weapon if you are accurate. The phaser requires one unit of
energy to fire and does two units of damage to your opponent's shields.
IMPULSE ENGINES - Used to move your ship in the direction you are pointing. Remember
in space there is no friction, to slow down you must turn your ship around and thrust from
the other direction. The impulse engines use about one unit of energy every half second.
CLOAK - Used to makes your ship invisible. You can still move, fire, hyperspace,
etc. but no one can see you, including yourself. Cloaking will use about one unit of
energy every half second.
HYPER SPACE - Hyper space is a quick way to get out of a bad situation fast. You
pay an eight energy units to use hyper space and you don't know where you will end up.
You must have energy to use your weapons or defences. The 'E' bar on your side of the
bottom of the screen must display energy. Your 'E' bar energy is recharged from your
Dilithium crystals at one unit every two seconds.
Use your phasers to shoot incoming photon torpedos. Those torpedos do alot of damage.
If you hear the warning sound someone's shield energy is below sixteen units, and they
are about to be distroyed. The 'S' bar on your side of the bottom of the screen
indicates you shield energy. Use the energy balance keys to increase your shield
energy and protect yourself. The energy balance keys for the left player are 'Z'
and 'C' and for the right player '1' and '3'.
Warning, touching the planet will drain your shields very fast so stay away.
When using Gravity try to get in orbit. Care must be use when firing torpedoes in
orbit. If they don't hit something they will come back and hit you.
The Left Auto Robot is a good defensive player. He is a crack shot and hard to destroy.
The Right Auto Robot is an offensive player. He will chase you around space firing often.
Game created by Bill Seiler in 1985
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